Evan Wesselman Named New Project Manager at Family Lands Remembered

Posted on July 12, 2024

Family Lands Remembered, an innovative land use and environmental consulting firm based in Jupiter, FL, has welcomed Evan Wesselman as its new Project Manager. 

“At Family Lands Remembered, we’re driven by the macro view of any situation – looking at all the moving parts to see how they fit and then stitching them together in a way to maximize value and environmental benefits,” Family Land Remembered founder and President Ernie Cox said. “Evan shares our enthusiasm, and we’re delighted he’s joined our firm.” 

Wesselman began his career in private equity and golf course development and then directed his energies to working with luxury golf courses and hotels. He specialized in corporate governance, policy, operations, finances, development plans and board of directors/company design. 

Wesselman’s long-standing passion for ecology and the environment led him to shift his career in the direction of causes he truly loves. “I grew up in a family that was always extremely active in wildlife sanctuaries and rescues,” Evan said. “Ecology is in my bones, and my work with Family Lands Remembered is a natural extension of everything I’ve learned and valued throughout my life.”

Wesselman holds a Dual Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Finance from Fairfield University’s Dolan School of Business. He is completing his Master’s Degree in Business Administration in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Florida Atlantic University and expects to receive his MBA by the end of 2024.  

As a volunteer, Wesselman eagerly lends his skills to the boards of ecological and animal foundations. Currently he is the Treasurer and Operations Designer on the Board of Directors for The Florida Native Plant Society, Martin County Chapter. He has also been known to be a volunteer zookeeper when time and circumstances permit. 

Family Lands Remembered is excited to welcome Evan to the company. Read more about Evan and our team at the link below. 


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